Magic Tango in Vancouver, BC
Argentine Tango
Tatiana - Tango Instructor, Dancer
DJ Tatiana
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Volunteers Survey
Thank you in advance for your contribution to the Milonga Sentimental and Magic Tango in Vancouver, as well as taking time to fill out this survey!
Please, feel free to put in any relevant feedback and suggestions, your honesty is appreciated :).
Milonga Sentimental - Volunteer's Survey 2016
Indicates required field
Phone Number
1) What is in your opinion the strongest side of Milonga Sentimental?
Hosts @ Reception
Dancers / Guests
New faces
Other *
Please, specify if "other":
2) How often have you volunteered for the Milonga Sentimental?
I am an active team member
Used to be part of Zen Milonga team
Volunteered at Zen Milonga occasionally
8-12 times per year
5-7 times per year
3-4 times per year
1-2 times per year
I support on Facebook a lot
I support on FB occasionally
Just starting...
3) What was your experience of volunteering at Milonga Sentimental like?
4) What would you recommend for teambuilding for Milonga Sentimental?
Create a secret group on FB
Get together as team more often (share a meal, hang out...)
Let people take more initiative
Take more group pictures
Do more surveys
Can't think of anything right now...
Not sure
Teambuilding for M.Sentmental is not essential
5) Would you like to contribute to the M.Sentimental in the future (year 2016)? And if "yes" then in which way?
To be an active team member (FB support, invite people/ recommend, help with 7 or more milongas per year)
Volunteer 4-6 times per year at the event
Volunteer 2-3 times per year at the event
I can help randomly when my time allows (will offer myself)
Volunteer when there is a guest instructor (usually the class is on an affordable reduced fee)
Volunteer only when Tatiana is teaching (the class is free for volunteers)
Help with Social media (liking, sharing etc)
Help with graphic design (flyers, etc)
I can bake / cook something special once in a while
Happy to spread good word around
Glad to support coming as a social dancer when time allows
I am supporting you in my heart!
Can't contribute a lot at the moment
Other / Comments (preferred months of volunteering if known)
6) What shifts would you prefer if to volunteer at the event?
Any shift / flexible
It depends on the date
Set up only
Set-up & a bit of hosting
Hosting only
Tear down & a bit of hosting
Tear down only
n/ a
7) How fair you think is the volunteer appreciation?
It is very good
It is fairly reasonable
Not bad
Not fair
8) Suggestions / Feedback (feel free to suggest in what way M.Sentimental can be improved)
9) Do you know anyone who would be interested in being part of the Milonga Sentimental team or volunteering occasionally?
Yes, I know
Will let you know if someone is interested to volunteer for a milonga
No, don't know anyone
10) Would you like to stay tuned with volunteering opportunities @ Magic Tango Events?
Yes, any MT events
Yes, Milonga Sentimental
I prefer being asked / informed in person (offline)
I prefer asking in person (offline)
Not sure
No, not at the moment