GROUP CLASSES: December 2016
Instructor: Tatiana
Classes & workshops require REGISTRATION text to 604-780-7835 (Tatiana) or message on FB / by email. Links: Payment Info >>> Studio addresses >> |
MagicTango Explorers Learning Group >>
A closed group with information about MT classes / workshops / bootcamps and some materials for learning tango. |
December 12th *** 7-8.30pm (Monday)
@ St.Michael's Church (before Milonga La Lunita) INT / ADV class $15 - class only // $20 - class + milonga (paid to the organizers of the milonga) ........................................................................................................................ MAGIC TANGO Improvers / Intermediate Classes: (Int & up) December 19th *** 8-10pm (Monday) @ One Thousand Rivers (Mount Pleasant) 1 workshop: $25 per person / $45 per couple Please see info above for the registration & payments. |
TANGO for Fusion Dancers - Part 1 - 2 - 3
Experimental Tango Crash Course on tango for fusion dancers (3 intensive workshops) November 13, 20, 27th, 2016 Sundays 13th & 27th - 4pm - 6pm // 20th - 5-7pm @ Academie Duello Instructor: Tatiana (& assistants) More Info >> |
DROP - in CLASS before Milonga Sentimental (1st Saturday of the month, 9pm - 9.30pm @ One Thousand Rivers Studio) - Int & up level
DROP - in CLASS before Milonga Sentimental (1st Saturday of the month, 9pm - 9.30pm @ One Thousand Rivers Studio) - Int & up level
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